antioch families

Antioch Families Currently on Break

check back for updates regarding summer family groups coming soon!

Why Antioch Families?

Being the church means more than a gathering around a stage on Sundays. It’s about being a Jesus-centered family on mission that shares life around a table. Antioch Families are the primary way we seek to make disciples by being with Jesus, like Jesus, and helping others to do the same.

Each Antioch Family is made up of 8 to 20 guys and girls, some of whom follow Jesus and some who do not. As a Family, they have fun together, sacrificially love one another, point each other to Jesus, and regularly welcome those who do not know Jesus yet into their Family. In short, it is a Jesus-centered Family on mission.

I’m not a Christian. Is an Antioch Family for me? Absolutely. We love when those who do not identify as Christians join us. You are welcome anytime.

Covid Restrictions:

Masks and social distancing are not required at any Antioch events or Sunday Gatherings.

What does an Antioch Family do?

In order to holistically make disciples, we believe there are a three important rhythms for every Antioch Family: gathering around the table and gathering around the Word.


Each Antioch Family meets every week for Family Time. There are two rhythms that rotate every other week :

  • Weeks 1 + 3: Party together

    • This time is built around the table.

    • The goal here is to create a non-threatening environment for anyone to belong.

  • Weeks 2+ 4: Pray Together

    • This time is built around the table and sermon discussion.

    • The goal here is to apply Sunday’s teaching from the Bible and pray with one another.

  • Weekly Outside of Family Time: Grow Together

    • A DNA group is a group of 3-5 guys or 3-5 girls who attend the same Family Group who meet weekly to read the Bible together and grow in repentance, belief, and obedience.

    • Joining a DNA group is not a required part of attending an Antioch Family, but is offered as an option to those looking to take a step deeper in following Jesus.